You want to Be Better? We want You To Be Better also.

Announcing our official partnership with Be Better Media

Better Web Development For Everyone

Announcing a winning partnership between The Rank Kings & Be Better Media

The Perfect Union of An SEO Agency Wanting The Best & A Design Agency wanting the Best

At The Rank Kings, we focus mainly on data and a huge return of investment in the form of increased rankings and increased traffic.  We've often been asked about web design, re-designs, best platforms, page builders etc.

For that reason, we have partnered with Be Better Media.  This company has focused a lot of their energies and efforts in the past working with NGO's and also green companies working in the fields of climate, eco-products, sustainable energy and green and eco initiatives.  With a a green, clean ethos behind them that strongly aligned with who we are, they made the best choice for us to partner with.
Here's a feature
Any of our clients (The Rank Kings) will be offered exclusive pricing on any web design or development services.
Here's a feature
Any clients of Be Better Media will be offered discounted deals on SEO Services offered by us. 

Be Better, but Be Competitive

There are a million different options and platforms to build websites on nowadays. WIX, Weebly, Squarespace, Godaddy, Joomla, Magento. Even within Wordpress, there is DIVI, GeneratePress, Genesis, Avada, Elementor, Beaver Buddy.  

Currently, we work exclusively with WordPress, Gutenberg Blocks and Oxygen Builder.

here's your main heading

We can offer reasonable priced template options, or can design some customised and bespoke, just for you. 

Your website Now 10x faster using oxygen builder

Oxygen Builder is one of the latest page builders out there. The page speeds alone are worth migrating from your page builder.

Web Design & Development Designed To Make A Difference

Helping You Be Better

BeBettr Media was founded with the intention of helping businesses who are making a difference, make a difference.

Designed to be modern

We work with NGO's as well as companies working in the sustainability space and eco-friendly  and green ethos's. 

How can we help you?

Our team is ready to learn more!

Send us your name, email, website and any detailed information you can provide about the project, and we’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours with a plan to get to Page 1.

Ask yourself: Am I ready for a serious boost in traffic and rankings?

Demand for our team of experts is high, and there are limited spaces available for new clients, so contact us and claim your spot today!
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